Terry Tales

More Paris, only in LA

More Paris, only in LA

Can you have a weekend that was both fun and profound? Emotional yet giddy? Dirty hot while tender? Is it possible ...
Aunt Bessie’s Trunk

Aunt Bessie’s Trunk

The only thing I knew about my great-Aunt Bessie before she passed away while I was in class during my first year ...

Happy 44th, Bildoe!

Billy would’ve turned forty-four today. I’d have booked a dinner for us at a restaurant that he'd think was ...
The Miata

The Miata

There’s a black Miata parked right in front of my house taking up prime parking real estate underneath the ...
Mario on the Corner

Mario on the Corner

I didn’t know Mario, didn’t even know his name. The only thing I knew was that on Memorial Day, I saw a crowd of ...
A Little Romance

A Little Romance

For some reason, I’ve avoided Paris since I was twenty-four, a trip punctuated by my peeing the hotel’s feather ...


Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen

Guyster birthday

Guyster birthday

Every time he protests, “It¹s not the same as it used to be,” I know exactly what he means. When we ...
My doormen, my family

My doormen, my family

The movers are here, swarming my apartment with paper and tape, packing up every tangible memory I have. I’m ...
Bill Ledbetter pics

Bill Ledbetter pics

That laugh... Billy, Dom and Anthony Squint
Selling Kenwood

Selling Kenwood

I always called it Kenwood, my own post-war Tara in a “transitional” neighborhood. Not a terribly clever name, ...