Terry Tales

Photo bomb

Before the term “photobomb” was coined, Billy and I were invited to a post-Grammy party at the Four Seasons ...


I only saw her for a second, but I'll never forget when she looked straight at me, smiled a famous ...
Cab ride

Cab ride

I grabbed the cab that was stopped at the light, a block from the restaurant in the East Village where I’d just ...

Bob Slobbers and that last shot

We met Bob Slobbers at an adoption fair held in a pet store a few miles from our house. The dogs were ...
Joe Schmo

Joe Schmo

Within an hour of meeting Joe Franciosi, he took his glass right eye out and showed me. There wasn’t a lot of ...
Grandma’s Cheeseburger

Grandma’s Cheeseburger

The small coffee can filled with bacon grease that sat on back of Grandma’s old gas stove always lent the kitchen ...
NYC walk

NYC walk

Eddie and Jim racing down the hallway to our apartment after a walk. Eddie always won and got his cookie first.

Billy pics

Twink time

Twink time

Same day, different pose at SIU Roxy Rifkin, our neighbor, used to make me model for her to practice her ...
Meetings along the way

Meetings along the way

Kal Penn at the Upfronts Jerry Springer at I dunno where Mike Tyson and I'm all blurry with ...
Comedy World

Comedy World

Comedy World had to have been one the best jobs ever for anyone who worked there. Housed in a giant warehouse on ...
A Bad Day for Eddie

A Bad Day for Eddie

Eddie was attacked by a dog at daycare yesterday. I wish I could say, "You should see the other guy," but I can't. ...