There’s walking and then there’s Petra walking. I think my feet are still inside my shoes, but I’m afraid to check.

The site is all of the superlatives wrapped in miles of gorgeous carved ancient sandstone. It’s a movie set, only it’s real.

My guide, Ali, repeated “Terry” like an overused comma in his running monologue, so there was never a single chance I’d forget my first name.

I loved every second.


Okay, remember these from yesterday only they were wearing shoes? Well, I am still here.

After boarding a 3am flight to Frankfurt in soupy fog, sitting on the runway for three hours, then deplaned and dumped at a hotel where someone left a surprise in the toilet, I am now back in the lounge waiting for the rescheduled flight.

Of course, the ripple on the rest of the journey isn’t pretty and I’ll spend the night at a Frankfurt airport hotel, albeit nicer than the one I just escaped. You hand over your freedom and control when traveling, but the journey is worth it.

I’ll be home soon and boy, those darned dogs are gonna be pissed!

WRITTEN 01/19/2015

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