A View from 25H

A View from 25H

I looked at eight apartments on my househunting trip to NYC when I was about to relocate there in the earliest part of 2015. Liberty View was the last one I saw and the moment I walked into the corner unit and realized the entire city would be in my view, I locked it...
My doormen, my family

My doormen, my family

The movers are here, swarming my apartment with paper and tape, packing up every tangible memory I have. I’m heading back to LA and I’m kinda freaking out about it. NYC is home, moved here five years and two months ago. I love my neighborhood and my building. The...


I only saw her for a second, but I’ll never forget when she looked straight at me, smiled a famous smile, and said hello. My old friend, Marc, let me crash at his apartment on 72nd between Central Park West and Columbus while I looked for a place for Billy and...
Cab ride

Cab ride

I grabbed the cab that was stopped at the light, a block from the restaurant in the East Village where I’d just had dinner with two old friends. I threw my gym bag, which weighs as much as a toddler, ahead of me onto the back seat, closed the door, and told the driver...
NYC walk

NYC walk

Eddie and Jim racing down the hallway to our apartment after a walk. Eddie always won and got his cookie first.

Family at 99 Battery Place

Being a doorman in Manhattan is a position of prestige and pride, the front line of defense and friendship for the residents who pass by them every day, part of their duties is to make life a bit easier in a very difficult city. They are unionized. Being jostled...